Bodega Rejadorada

Country: Spain

Bodegas Rejadorada is one of the most unique estates we work with in Spain. Situated midway between Rueda and Zamora in NW Spain, the tiny DO of Toro is home to arguably Spain’s greatest red grape, the noble and sturdy Tinta da Toro, and it is this native grape, highly resistant to Phylloxera that is used by a majority of wine estates clustered around the town. The climate is warmly continental, with varying degrees of aspect and altitude on soils that are, in the majority, stony and poor. Such terroir, therefore, requires a grape that can be both hardy and self-sufficient and yet retain freshness. Tinta da Toro is such a grape.

Bodegas Rejadorada was founded in 1999 by Luis Remesal and oenologist Jose Fernandez, who replanted vineyards and resurrected the ancient Tinta da Toro vines that are now a cornerstone of the many wines they now produce. In 2003 they completed the sympathetic conversion and renovation of the current winery at San Roman de Honija. Luis’s son, Mario, has now taken the winemaking reins at this important estate and he is now building wines of tremendous breeding, finesse and elegance.

The vines at Rejadorada are farmed organically in the main, but have yet to be classified Organic. Use of new techniques such as Clay Amphora, auto-vinification, grape chilling prior to ferment etc, are all utilized, as well as use of cover crops to encourage soil quality and bio-diversity.

The wine range at Bodega Rejadorada is centered around red wine production, with Tinta da Toro the only grape planted. Youthful fruit-driven styles such as Novellum show the rich sweet and dark berry-scented style that Tinta da Toro.

The Sango is a unique wine, made from selected plots of older vines, upto 80 years old in many of the vineyards, and is fermented on skins for 20 days, with cool ferment and then aged in barrels for 12 months. It is a powerful, hedonistic style of red with brooding structure and lifted red berry aromas. Mario Remesal first produced the iconic red in 2010, named after the region’s heroine, Antonio Garcia, who saved Toro from plundering by a Portuguese army in 1453. Produced from a single plot of ancient vines from the Finca Miralmonte vineyard, the expression is power, depth, layered tannins, notes of black fruits, leather, cedar and great minerality combined with succulence and freshness.

The last wine in the range is, again, unique – AIER is a red wine made from selected bunches of top Tinta da Toro from the El Sol vineyard, first planted in 1978, hand-picked, and fermented on skins in clay Amphora for 15 days, then skins removed and the wine remains in the clay vessel for 12 months, followed by another 15 months in Hungarian and Acacia oak casks. The style is pure, elegant, ripe and mouth-filling

Wine Portfolio