Avondale Wine

Country: South Africa

Avondale are groundbreaking producers of wine with their biodynamic approach and premium wines admired globally. Early archives outline their 160-hectare farm was one of the first wine growing regions in Paarl in the 1700’s. In recent times, the Grieve family purchased the property and thus Avondale was born in 1997.

Jonathan, their youngest son was head of operations for their first Vintage in 1999, 1 year before a catastrophic fire in 2000 that devasted the area. This did not deter Jonathan who used this as an opportunity to transform how they worked. He aimed to create a harmonious ecosystem – sculpting the land and its natural systems in a liberated and sustainable way, ensuring future generations livelihoods are protected.

Their philosophy is simple, they view producing wine in its entirety as a dynamic holistic living system where soil, water and energy; plants, animals and people; even our buildings, are part of a complex web of interconnected and interdependent relationships. Grieve has established these techniques, and termed it ‘Biologic’, which essentially is the combination of biodynamic and organic principles and is an all-encompassing value system.

Firstly, their ethos ‘Terra Est Vita’ meaning ‘Soil is Life’ – encapsulates their approach to maintaining soil fertility. Without optimum soil health there would not be the right conditions in place in order to promote life. For the business and land to thrive, every facet of their living system must also thrive. Unassuming methods are implemented, such as using a posse of ducks to eat the snails that target the vines, wasps are also circulated to stop the mealy bug. Chemicals and fertilizers are rejected and cover crops are grown to reestablish the nitrogen levels in the soil. Secondly, the Armillary Sphere is interpretated on their Emblem, denoting the ancient astronomical instrument used to show the position of stars around the earth. At Avondale they strictly plant and harvest depending on the astrological calendar. This is made up of four different days which denote where the Moon is. Root days are earth signs, Flower is air, Leaf is water, and Fruit is when the moon is in any Fire sign. On these days, the vine will either be focusing on a specific viticultural process i.e., producing more chlorophyll, or we, as humans, experience distinct components of the wine more intensely on the different days.

For them, being certified organic isn’t enough. The only successful way to live and work is by improving their land and by regeneration not merely ‘sustaining’ the status quo. At Avondale, they carry this out with their complete rejection of Monoculture, whereby one single crop is planted over a large area. They instil Polyculture throughout, allowing for excellent biodiversity, a healthier Vineyard and better wine. Vines are grown in one-hectare blocks where the individual grape varieties are matched to the different soil types. They are remineralised based on what is being grown and their unique nutritional needs. Premium wine is about quality not quantity. Treatment within the vineyard is of course carried on through the wine’s production. They practice slow wine-making; giving the juice enough time to develop to their fullest potential, naturally. No enzymes, catalysing agents or softeners, as well as only using natural yeast for fermentation. Scrupulous grape processing at the triage table enables Avondale to use far less sulphur, half the norm.

Avondale makes individually-styled, classic wines busting with vitality, character and sophistication. Quirky? Yes, but unquestionably delicious! Don’t forget they’re approved by Mother Nature!

Wine Portfolio