Domaine Barcelo

Country: France

The Barcelo Estate is located in Aghione, on the Costa Serena, the east coast of Corsica, between the Pointe della Finocchiaja mountains and the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Vineyard has been owned by the Barcelo Family since 1966. After producing wine in several countries (his last estate being in New-Mexico) Daniel Barcelo returned to the Family Estate with his partner, to manage operations. The Estate benefits from plentiful sunshine balanced by a cooling ocean breeze. The sea absorbs heat during the day and radiates this back into the island at night time which creates a more consistent temperature and reduces the diurnal range a littl, prolonging the growing season. These climatic features coupled with the Clay soil on which the Vines are planted provide perfect conditions for viticulture, especially the indigenous varietals Biancu Gentile & Niellucciu. Throughout the mountainous terrain, an abundance of microclimates exist due to the variation of latitude, altitude and maritime influences. The Estate ensures freshness and avoids oxidation by hand picking the grapes at night.

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