
Country: Italy

Zeni’s journey began with Bartolomeo Zeni in 1870. A painter at heart but importer by trade, he transported goods across the region – fish, olive oil and of course wine. Gaetano, his son began to trade more exclusively with wine and at this point the seeds of their modern business model were planted. Gaetano, referred to as ‘Nino’, was the innovator in this family affair, identifying a rapidly expanding export market and moved production in the 1950s from a small winery in Bardolino to a more spacious site with spectacular view across Lake Garda. Nino set up their own Wine Museum in 1991, aiming to endorse the culture and the story of their wine production in Bardolino over the years. It is set inside the Zeni Winery in Costabella, with panoramic views of Lake Garda coupled with the hills and slopes that stretch towards it. The museum was intended to offer a rich story of ancient winemaking which Zeni has been a pivotal part of. Francesco Gaetano’s eldest son had 7 children himself and instilled a strong passion for wine production and the Zeni family name and business. The original values are still central to production today, with Fausto, Fredrica and Elena following what was laid before them. They have just celebrated 150 years since its foundation! One important philosophy, that echoes still, is Nino’s belief that the grape should be vinified separately. He vowed to abandon the mixing of grapes as he wanted to let the grape characteristics shine and to empower the significance of each individual vineyard and their unique terroir. He believed wines with strong and distinct character can only be obtained by the very best grapes and only when they are treated right. He famously said “Wine is not made in the cellar, but in the Vineyards.” The estate is located in the 5 Veronese DOC areas over 25 hectares; Bardolino, Lugana, Valpolicella, Soave and Custoza, which extend from the south-eastern shores of Lake Garda to the Hills east of Verona. The Vineyards are situated on fertile and chalky soil of murrain or marl which is turn chilled and dried out by lake breezes with plenty of warm sunshine to aid ripening. The marl adds depth, structure, minerality and freshness. Where the murrain soil meets the clear marl, they give fine, light gravel that enables aromatic finesse. Much thought is given to the environmental impact in the Vineyard, the outstanding soil and growing area means that sulphites can be drastically reduced, evidence of grapes that are healthy and in ideal conditions. Permitted grapes are intimately linked to the area and its culture and therefore the focus is on Autochthonous varieties in order to pay homage to the region. The barrique cellar is the place where their wines are further refined. French, Australian and Slavonian oak barriques ranging from 225 litres to 156 hectolitres are used. The cellar covers an area of 1400 square metres and is underground, allowing natural cooling.

The production within Zeni Winery has undergone a radical reconstruction in current times, both in building extensions and improved technological development. The use of temperature-controlled stainless-steel vats, soft pressing of the grapes, cold skin contact for the white wines has enhanced the high quality of the grapes grown in their vineyards.

Wine Portfolio